Fidalgo Artisan Yarn & Clothing
711 Commercial Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221
Fidalgo Artisan Yarn & Clothing is a boutique yarn shop specializing in premium-quality, small batch, hand-dyed yarns and a carefully selected group of commercial yarns. We don’t use the word “artisan” lightly - the shop features our own, owner-dyed artisan yarns for knitters, crocheters and weavers from lace to worsted weights in a stunning array of colors.
The shop also caters to weavers, offering a tempting selection of traditional weaving yarns including UKI cottons, Harrisville Designs Shetland, M. Brassard cones and others. Our weaving studio is located in the rear of our shop in old town Anacortes, WA.
We are a full-service shop and also offer shop-designed patterns, wonderful samples, tools of the trade, and expert assistance and classes. Our tagline, "let's get creative" encompasses our passion for color, style, and innovation. Find out more at fidalgoyarns.com.